Main Verbs

The name itself tells us that Main Verbs are important. Main verbs are Verbs which show the major actions carried out by the subjects (I, we, you, he, she, it, they). Main Verbs are also known as Lexical Verbs or Principal Verbs. The term Lexical means related to the Vocabulary (words) or the dictionary. Generally Main Verbs have ability to stand alone, however we can also find one or more than one Auxiliary/Helping Verbs helping them.

Interrogative Adjectives

Adjectives are those words which describe nouns or pronouns. Interrogative Adjectives are one among the seven types of Adjectives. Interrogative Adjectives are words which qualify or modify nouns and indicate questions. Interrogative Adjectives help to seek answers to queries of people. Unlike other Adjectives, there are only few interrogative Adjectives. They are as follows:

Numeral Adjectives

Adjectives are those words which describe nouns or pronouns. Numeral Adjectives also known as Adjectives of numbers are one among seven types of Adjectives. Numeral Adjectives are those adjectives which are used to denote the number of nouns or the order in which they stand. They are also commonly called Adjectives of Number.

Possessive Adjectives

Adjectives are those words which describe nouns or pronouns. Possessive Adjectives are one among seven types of Adjectives. The words possess in Possessive means to indicate ownership, therefore Possessive Adjectives can be understood as those Adjectives which express ownership or possession. Possessive Adjectives modify the nouns following them in order to show possession/ownership.

Punctuation Marks

Punctuation marks are integral part of sentences. When we talk, we use both short and long pauses to make our meaning clear. Similarly, while writing English language we use different kinds of punctuation marks as pauses to convey the intended meaning to the reader. Use of correct punctuation mark is very important as their inappropriate use can totally change the meaning. For Example:

Qualitative and Quantitative Adjectives

Adjectives are those words which describe nouns or pronouns. Qualitative and Quantitative Adjectives are two among seven types of Adjectives. The names Qualitative and Quantitative themselves gives us idea of the nature of these Adjectives. They are opposite to each other i.e. antonyms. We can differentiate them easily. Qualitative Adjectives deal with characteristics of people or objects and Quantitative Adjectives deal with non-numeric measurement.

Relative Clause

Relative Clauses are group of words which are used to join sentences, identify and give more information about nouns. Generally, they are not compulsory elements in sentences. Relative Clauses are also known as Adjective and Adjectival clauses.

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Verbs are categorized as Transitive and Intransitive Verbs. Verbs used in sentences can be either. But sometimes some Verbs can be both Transitive in one sentence and Intransitive in other however. We can recognize them by understanding the way they have been used.

Subordinating Conjunctions

Subordinate in grammar means dependent on or modifying the main clause. Therefore, Subordinating Conjunctions are those Conjunctions which connect a dependent clause and an independent clause. As the word suggests, their main function is to tell the user which idea in a complex sentence is less important or subordinate of another idea. They help relate clauses by acting as the transition between two ideas in a sentence.

Adverbs of Time

Adverbs of time are those words which tell us about the time of any action that takes place in the Past, Present or Future.In other words, Adverbs of Time tell us how long, how often and when. Examples