Future Continuous Tense

The Future Continuous Tense is one of the four sub-divisions of The Future Tense. Future Continuous Tense refers to ongoing/unfinished actions which will be taking place in the future. “will be going” and “be going to be doing” are the two forms of Future Continuous Tense.

Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense is one of the 4 sub-tenses of Future Tense. Simple Past tense refers to completed actions in the future. This tense is formed with the combination of “will” + “have” + the past participle of the verb. It can be differentiated from other sub-tenses through understanding of their structure.

Past Continuous Tense

The Past Continuous Tense is one of the four sub-divisions of The Past Tense. Past Continuous Tense refer to the actions which were going on in the past. The structures of the Past Continuous Tense along with the examples are as follows:

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Continuous Tense is one of the 4 sub-tenses of Present Tense. Present Perfect Continuous Tense refers to actions/events which have happened recently or are in progress to be completed in near future. It uses two auxiliary (helping verbs) verbs along with the main verb.

Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense is one of the 4 sub-tenses of Present Tense. Simple Present tense refers to those actions which are regular and general in nature. It deals with repeated actions or constant situations. It can be understood more clearly with the study of its structures.


Words which show the relation between subject and the object in sentences are called prepositions. This relationship comprises location, time, movement and direction. Preposition is a basic part of speech. The prepositions those are frequently used in English Grammar are:

Preposition of Time

There are three types of prepositions in English. Among three types of prepositions, preposition of time refer to those words which denote the time. They are used before time phrase.

Preposition of Movement and Direction

Words which are used to express different ways towards where object move are known as preposition of movement and direction. It is one among three types of prepositions.

Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense is one of the 4 sub-tenses of Past Tense. Simple Past tense refer to those actions which were done in the past and can be differentiated from other sub-tenses through understanding of their structure. The structures of the Simple Past Tense with examples are as follows: